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Fanderson supports Journey to the Far Side of the Sun definitive Blu-Ray release

Journey to the Far Side of the SunWhat promises to the definitive release of Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (A.K.A Doppelganger) will be released in Australia on 19th August by Madman Entertainment. With a new HD master of the U.S. version of the film, this Blu-Ray/DVD combination will initially be available exclusively from JB HIFI.

Fanderson was also very happy to provide some materials for this release – including an in-depth feature about the making of the film, specially re-purposed from FAB magazine as a PDF DVD-ROM extra.

The list of extras includes:

  • Audio Commentary with writer and producer Gerry Anderson
  • Doppelganger – rare, never-before-released UK version of the film (UNRESTORED)
  • Image Gallery
  • Century 21 Unmasked: Open-matte model footage from the Doppelganger film print
  • Isolated Music & Effects Audio Track
  • Textless Titles
  • Downloadable PDF DVD-ROM of Fanderson magazine special focusing on the the film, script and other original paperwork
  • Reversible sleeve with Doppelganger artwork

Using Universal’s HD master for the U.S. version, Madman engaged BBC Post Production & Studios to do additional clean up work to address some issues with the print.

Universal hold no materials for the UK version (Doppelganger), but wanting to present the most complete Blu Ray edition possible, Madman contacted Fanderson, who were able to help with a cinema print of the rarely-seen version. Although the print was not pristine nor anamorphic (it will be presented as un-restored pillar-boxed anamorphic), Madman felt its  rarity and archival interest meant it was worthy of inclusion. This UK version contains several differences and has never been made available on disc – keep your eyes peeled for these if you decide to purchase this awesome release!

The release is available to pre-order now from the JB-HiFi website.