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New Thunderbirds episodes are go on Kickstarter

New Thunderbirds episodesFans have been delighted by news of a new Kickstarter campaign to raise £75,000 for a brand new episode classic Thunderbirds.

Led by director Stephen La Riviere, Thunderbirds 1965 will see the creation of up to three new episodes based on the audio-only ‘mini albums’ released in the 1960s.

The Thunderbirds 1965 project will launch on crowdfunding website Kickstarter on 10th July, and backing the project is the only way that fans from around the globe will be able to watch these new episodes.

In addition to a DVD / Blu-ray of the finished production, project backers have the opportunity to receive other rewards including a  photo-book featuring rare and previously unpublished stills from the original series. Backers will also be able to visit the Thunderbirds 1965 production studio and experience the classic model and puppet filmmaking techniques developed fifty years ago.

Stephen La Rivière says: “We have shot new sequences with the puppets using the old-fashioned techniques. Whilst many of the methods used seem a little archaic and time-consuming by today’s standards, we thought that it would be very special to do a one-off project bringing Thunderbirds back to life 1960s style. Sadly, many of the original voice cast have passed away since 1965. However, thanks to the original audio footage we’ve rediscovered, we have new, authentic stories that have never been adapted for screen.”

If you’re interested in backing the project go to the Kickstarter page and donate now!

Thunderbirds are go!