FAB Tech & Spec – UFO

SID – Space Intruder Detector


No dimensions are given. In The Man Who Came Back we see an astronaut working on the exterior of SID and can determine its size from this. This length includes the two large square solar collectors at the rear.


No weaponry is ever seen or discussed.


No speed is given, and it appears that SID is a geo-stationary satellite.

FAB Factor

SID is unique. It is a fully automated, computer-controlled satellite. It is equipped with highly advanced, long range tracking instruments which enable it to detect approaching UFOs, early enough to alert SHADO HQ and Moonbase.


Established in the opening titles.


SHADO Interceptor


No dimensions are given. We can see the seated pilot figures in the cockpit and the size has been worked out using 6ft scale man.


Designed to launch a single missile, the weaponry on this ship is of paramount importance. The single weapon must destroy its target and as such it is very powerful.


No speed is given. We know the ships are designed to stop approaching UFOs and as such need to get to key positions very quickly. They are probably very short range. This is the speed of the ship and not the missile.

FAB Factor

There are three interceptors operational at all times. They form the front line of defence against the UFOs. Unfortunately, the missiles often miss their target (whether this is an issue with the Interceptor itself or the computers on Moonbase is unknown). Obviously if they were more effective, and no UFOs ever made it through to Earth the TV show would be pretty boring.


Established in the opening titles.




No dimensions are given. When on the surface we see crew members standing in the conning tower as well as what looks like a door in the side. Using ‘6-foot scale man as reference we have calculated the size which is inclusive of Sky 1.


This is the firepower of Sky 1 (Diver appears to have no weaponry).

Sky 1’s cannons are capable of damaging a UFO. As the goal is usually to not destroy the UFO, but to capture the crewman or parts of the craft, it is hard to determine the full destructive power of Sky 1.


This is the speed of Skydiver, not Sky 1. No speed is given and there are no instances when we know the distances travelled or time taken. A ‘tech talk’ fan video suggests a speed which seems reasonable and has been used.

FAB Factor

Part of the SHADO frontline, there are several Skydivers. Highly advanced for the day and featuring the detachable Sky 1 aircraft.


Established in the opening titles.




No dimensions are given, and we never see them with anything else of known size. We can see the drivers through the large windows and using our ‘6-foot scale man’ the size has been derived.


We only see the Mobiles firing on UFOs and as their composition is unknown, we can’t really tell how effective their firepower is.


No speed is given and there are no instances when we know the distance travelled or time taken. The vehicles are quite small and are intended for scouting, so speed must be a consideration in their design. This has been factored into the data.

FAB Factor

There are many Mobiles, they are not unique. While quite advanced, and adaptable (eg, different weaponry, SHADO control) they do not play a decisive role in any events.


Established in the opening titles.




The UFOs are typically seen by themselves with nothing to give a decent scale reference. However, in Timelash we see a UFO and Straker’s car together in the frame. Using the known length of Straker’s car the UFOs size has been calculated. While this is a one off there is nothing that contradicts this size and we know the UFOs carry only a single person. In Conflict we see the trench made by the crashed UFO with a Mobile and while somewhat ambiguous this does not contradict this size.

There is a Phil Rae diagram that indicates the size closer to 5 metre diameter.


We see the UFO’s weaponry in action in space and on Earth. In The Sound Of Silence and Conflict Mobiles are destroyed with a single blast from a UFO.


Several speeds for the UFOs are indicated in the show, when Moonbase personnel are alerted to an incoming UFO. Speeds of “SOL decimal 8” or “SOL decimal 9” are quite regular.

We assume SOL is short for Speed Of Light (186,000 miles per second, or 669,600,000 miles per hour). In A Question Of Priorities an alien is defecting and racing to Earth before he can be killed by pursuing UFOs. In this episode the UFO is recorded at a speed of SOL 1.4 (there is no evidence that this is causing damage to the ship. If it is an anomaly it should be disregarded in the same way we are ignoring Fireball XL5 in Faster Than Light and Supercar’s speed, when converted to space travel in Space For Mitch).

FAB Factor

Their unique look and sound makes for a highly memorable alien invader, but there are seemingly hundreds of UFOs which all serve the same function.


A UFO is seen at the start of Identified which takes place in 1970. So we know the UFOs are at least that old.


Lunar Module


No dimensions are given. In Close Up we see two astronauts leaving the ship. Using the 6ft man we can calculate the size of the Lunar Module from this.


We never see the Lunar Module use any weaponry and it seems to have been designed solely as a transport vehicle.


No speed is given, so we have determined a speed based on the context of the show and ‘Fab Challenge’ gameplay. The Lunar Module is used to transport personnel between Moonbase and the Earth. These flights seem routine and quite quick.

Gameplay is a factor to be considered here (notably Space:1999, when an Eagle does the trip in seven hours).

FAB Factor

While it performs a key function between the Earth and Moonbase the ship is in every other way unremarkable.


Established in the opening titles.


Ed Straker’s Car


A rarity in that this vehicle exists as a full-size prop.


The car has no weaponry.


No speed is indicated. But within the context of the show – Ed Straker is a studio executive – this is clearly a high-end automobile, set in the futuristic world of UFO. Akin to a Jaguar, not an Aston Martin, Foster’s car with its large intake on the bonnet looks like it is designed to go much faster.

FAB Factor

This car is not unique. It is a commercially available car within the world of the TV show (several other people drive them), but Ed Straker is the star of the show and as such it gets some extra value.


Established in the opening titles.