The quickest and safest way to apply for Fanderson membership is online, paying via debit/credit card or PayPal. Details are taken via secured data encryption and the process is compliant with PCI DSS (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard). PayPal is our current payment processor, even if you pay by card.
A Fanderson membership includes the latest FAB Annual and three issues of our members’ magazine FAB Express. Depending on when in the year you join the club, you’ll be sent one, two or all three issues of the magazine in your welcome pack and any other issues will be sent in the mailing to all other members.
Everyone’s membership expires with each summer issue of FAB Express, and we’ll send details then of how to renew your membership to ensure you’re included in the winter mailing (and get your next FAB Annual).
If you’re looking to order merchandise with your membership, we strongly advise you to pop it all in your basket together and you’ll be charged for your complete transaction. Merchandise orders and membership packages are sent separately, from different parts of the UK.
Please note that PayPal is currently our card payment processor, but you do not need to have a PayPal account. You should be able to pay by card, though occasionally PayPal rules in different countries restrict what some people can do. Do let us know if this affects you.
Please read our Terms and Conditions before applying, then click on the image for where you live:
Memberships and Sales operate separately and are located in different parts of the UK, so they will be delivered separately. See our Shipping and Returns page for our latest delivery estimates.
Your online account
You need to set up an online account and have an active membership to buy anything from us. Once you’ve set up your account you’ll be able to easily come back again and again. You’ll be prompted to do this if you haven’t already logged in.
It’s most efficient for club members (and the volunteers running the club) if transactions are online. However, we continue to offer services via the post for those who prefer this. All the time we do this we need to keep a manual database as well as the online version, so please ensure you tell us of any changes you make to your online membership account.
Changing your personal details
Click here to see how to access your online account and make changes to your personal details.
Cancelling your membership
Your membership automatically expires when we mail the summer edition of FAB Express (we’ll send you details of how to renew). However, if you wish to cancel your membership before it expires, just email us at
Obviously, this is something we don’t come across very often, so please tell us the reason so we can understand why you’re not happy. Unfortunately, if we’ve mailed your membership package then your membership subscription cannot be refunded.