
Hosted by journalist and broadcaster (and long-time Fanderson member) Ros Connors, our podcasts share information, views and stories with fans – just like you.

You can also subscribe to the podcast at either iTunes or Google podcast stores, at Podbean, and now on Amazon podcasts and Audible too!

Post-production: Ros Connors and Tim Mallett.

Music: Tim Newnham and Paul Westerman.

All content (except where listed) ©2020-25 Fanderson

Podcast 13

13th February 2025

THIS EPISODE: For this bumper issue, Ros is joined by Jonathan Wood.

Officially a ‘colourist’, Jonathan is probably best known as the supreme talent that has balanced colour, cleared away the scratches, dirt and grime, corrected mistakes and generally made our favourite programmes available for Blu-ray Disc in the best quality possible.

Podcast 12

16th October 2024

THIS EPISODE: Your host Ros Connors is joined by Jaz Wiseman, ITC expert/author and host of the ITC Entertained The World podcast.

Together they discuss all things ITC, Jaz’s podcast (the latest episode of which features Thunderbirds The Man From MI.5) books, magazines and more.

Ros also reports from the 2024 Southend Film Festival, where each year Fanderson member Mark Joseph creates an Anderson film day – this summer showing us more of Thunderbirds than we’re used to!

Podcast 11

11th April 2022

THIS EPISODE: Your host Ros Connors is joined again by Christopher Penfold (Space:1999 Story Consultant and Scriptwriter), writer/journalist/editor David Hirsch and author Robert E Wood.

Together they discuss their new book To Everything That Might Have Been, and Barry Morse even pops up to give his opinion!

Barry Morse interview ©2005 Ros Connors

Podcast 10

25th August 2021

THIS EPISODE: In a format twist, for our 40th anniversary podcast we’re trying an episode discussion panel. For this first panel, regular host Ros Connors discusses all things Thunderbirds End Of The Road with fans Kirsty Brown and Ian Fryer.

If you’d like to take part in a future Podcast panel, email fanderson.org.uk@outlook.com, noting the Anderson series that you’re most interested in.

Thunderbirds End Of The Road clips ©1964 ITC, licensed by ITV Studios Global Entertainment

Podcast 9

3rd June 2021

THIS EPISODE: Your host Ros Connors is joined all the way from Australia by Gary Files, best known as the voice of puppets Captain Magenta (Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons), Black Phantom and Captain Foster (Thunderbird 6) and Matthew Harding (The Secret Service) but also numerous other voices in all three Century 21 puppet series, plus a guest spot as Phil Wade in UFO Identified.

Ros also welcomes Mark Anthony Craig, who most club members will know as the winner of Look-in’s 1977 competition to design a space city, but more recently has become known for his model dioramas.

Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons clip ©1967 ITC, The Secret Service clip ©1969 ITC, UFO clip ©1970 ITC, licensed by ITV Studios Global Entertainment

Podcast 8

22nd February 2021

THIS EPISODE: By popular demand, a Space:1999 special!

Christopher Penfold (Space:1999 Story Consultant and Scriptwriter) joins Ros, along with writer/journalist/editor David Hirsch and author Robert E Wood in a Space:1999 special. Plus more from the archive with Barry Morse recounting his time on the series.

Barry Morse interview ©2005 Ros Connors

Space:1999 Black Sun clip ©1975 ITC, licensed by ITV Studios Global Entertainment 

Podcast 7

20th January 2021

THIS EPISODE: David Stoner (Director of Label and Licensing at Silva Screen) and Tim Mallett (producer and editor) discuss soundtrack albums, and actor, presenter and former Chief Scout Peter Duncan remembers his guest spot on Space:1999 The Exiles.

Peter Duncan clip ©2020 Ros Connors

24th December 2020

THIS EPISODE: Special effects supremo Steve Begg discusses Terrahawks, James Bond, Derek Meddings and more, and actor/presenter Nadia Sawalha remembering her dad, Nadim Sawalha, guest starring in Space:1999 The Immunity Syndrome.

Nadia Sawalha clip ©2020 Ros Connors

Podcast 5

19th November 2020

THIS EPISODE: David Hirsch and Gordon Moriguchi discuss Anderson series merchandise, and actor Vicki Michelle pops in for a quick chat about her time on Space:1999.

Vicki Michelle clip ©2020 Ros Connors

9th October 2020

THIS EPISODE: Ian Fryer expands on his FAB 70 article about Anderson productions on 8mm film, and diverts a little to touch on Viewmaster and Noddy. Frances Barber pops in with an anecdote about her time on Space Precinct Hate Street, and Fanderson chairman Nick Williams talks about the UFO Annual, FAB 96 and how being a not-for-profit club dictates the way we operate.

Frances Barber clip ©2018 Ros Connors

Podcast 3

10th August 2020

THIS EPISODE: The man behind the Super Space Theater project, David Hirsch, explains how it all came about, plus an archive interview with Stanley Unwin

Stanley Unwin interview ©1988 Ros Connors

Podcast 2

23rd June 2020

THIS EPISODE: Mike Jones talks design and FAB magazine, archive interview with Sylvia Anderson, Ralph Titterton tells all about the Barry Gray Archive

Sylvia Anderson interview ©2015 Nic Clews

Podcast 1

20th May 2020

THIS EPISODE: Ian Fryer discusses Doppelgänger, archive interview clips with Space:1999‘s Barry Morse, and a club update from Nick Williams

Barry Morse interview ©2005 Ros Connors