Professor James Gee leads G-Force Intergalactic, a rapid response task force formed by the President of the United Planets to combat major crime and large scale disasters. Operating from Star City, a hidden base beneath the surface of an asteroid orbiting the Myson planetary system, the G-Force team are joined by two aliens from a distant galaxy and supported by a group of robots controlled by a huge central computer, George Washington.


Produced: 1992

First UK broadcast: unbroadcast

1 episode x 25 minutes

Executive Producers: Gerry Anderson and Adam J. Shaw

Producer: Bob McKie

Director: Phil Littler

Script Editor: Tony Barwick

Music: Dave Stewart

Episodes List
1 Warming Warning

When the planet Zeta is effected by massive global warming which melts its polar ice caps, the farmers of Zeta are forced to build boats and take to the ever-rising seas. The only available land is controlled by the evil Tyran and his warriors: to save the farmers and the planet, G-Force must first overcome Tyran and his mighty metallic fortress city…

Screenplay by Tony Barwick

Directed by Phil Littler

Original Airdate: Not broadcast to date

Cast List
D'Or Gary Martin
George Washington Gary Martin
Other voices Paul Carrington, Dave Wade, Denise Bryer, Ben Stevens