The adventures of a boy doll who runs away from a toyshop and, together with his feline friend Footso, builds Stray Town, a haven for toys.
AP Films/Banty Books/Associated Rediffusion
Produced: 1957-58
First UK broadcast: Wednesday 13th November 1957 – 4.30pm
52 episodes x 13 minutes
Producer: Roberta Leigh
Director: Gerry Anderson
Director of Photography: Arthur Provis
Art Director: Reginald E. Hill
Music: Leslie Clair
Lyrics: Roberta Leigh
Music Arranged and Conducted by Barry Gray
Twizzle Nancy Nevinson
Footso Denis Bryer
Narrator Nancy Nevinson
Episodes List | |
1 |
Twizzle And Footso Twizzle, the twizzley toy, runs away from a toy shop and meets Footso, a big black cat with enormous paws. Together they decide to go looking for adventure. First UK Broadcasts:
Repeat Broadcasts (ITV): Associated-Rediffusion / Rediffusion
2 |
Twizzle And Footso Get Caught Twizzle and Footso meet a nasty old man who makes them work for him, but they manage to escape. First UK Broadcasts:
3 |
Twizzle Saves The Doll When a doll’s house catches fire, Twizzle saves the doll and she gives him a racing car. First UK Broadcasts:
4 |
The Breakdown Van Twizzle has an accident with his racing car and exchanges it for a breakdown van. First UK Broadcasts:
5 |
Footso Is Stolen Footso is stolen by an old woman who makes him drink some magic milk. In the meantime, Twizzle meets a new friend and together they try to save Footso. First UK Broadcasts:
6 |
Twizzle And The Golliwog Twizzle and Chawky the white-faced golliwog go skating and fall into a lake. First UK Broadcasts:
7 |
Jiffy And The Chawky Quarrel Jiffy the Broomstick Man quarrels with Chawky the white-faced golliwog and loses his twigs. First UK Broadcasts:
8 |
Footso Disappears Footso the cat tries to steal some fish and gets into trouble. First UK Broadcasts:
Repeat Broadcasts (ITV):
9 |
Twizzle And The Broken-Down Toy Twizzle goes to a toy factory and meets Candy Floss, a Mama doll that cannot say “Mama”. First UK Broadcasts:
10 |
Twizzle Builds Stray Town Twizzle builds a town of log cabins so that all of the stray toys in the world can come and live there. First UK Broadcasts:
11 |
A Flag For Stray Town Candy Floss makes a flag and when Twizzle puts it on the flag-pole, something exciting and magical happens. First UK Broadcasts:
12 |
Jiffy's New House Twizzle builds Jiffy the Broomstick Man a log cabin of his own, but Jiffy does not like it very much. First UK Broadcasts:
13 |
Twizzle And Footso Go Fruit Picking Twizzle and Footso the cat have a picnic but Footso swallows a bee. First UK Broadcasts:
14 |
Twizzle Has Some Fun Footso is so greedy that he eats Twizzle’s lunch so Twizzle decides to play a trick on him. First UK Broadcasts:
15 |
Twizzle And Candy Floss Open A Cake Shop Candy Floss decides to make some toffee but Chawky the white-faced golliwog falls into the mixture. First UK Broadcasts:
16 |
Twizzle Saves The Broken-Down Toys Twizzle visits the Toy Inspector and saves all of the broken-down toys. He takes them back with him to live in Stray Town. First UK Broadcasts:
17 |
Twizzle Gets Lost Twizzle goes shopping to Tweedle Town and gets lost in the dark, but he is saved by all the broken-down toys. First UK Broadcasts:
18 |
Jiffy Opens A Barber's Shop Jiffy wants to earn money to buy acorns so he decides to open a barber’s shop. First UK Broadcasts:
19 |
Another Racing Car Twizzle is tired of driving slowly in his breakdown van so he borrows a racing car. First UK Broadcasts:
20 |
Twizzle And His Friends Go To The Circus Twizzle and the toys decide to take a trip to the circus and Footso has a go on the trapeze. First UK Broadcasts:
21 |
The Toys Go To School None of the toys can read or write so Twizzle decides to become a teacher. First UK Broadcasts:
22 |
Bouncy The Ball Bouncy the ball likes living in Stray Town but he does not like being kicked around. First UK Broadcasts:
23 |
Jack-In-The-Box Twizzle feels jealous when all of the toys make a fuss of Jack-in-the-Box, so he leaves him out in the rain. First UK Broadcasts:
24 |
Twizzle Catches Cold Twizzle feels very miserable when he has to go to bed with a cold, but all of the toys cheer him up by bringing him presents. First UK Broadcasts:
25 |
The Naughty Girl Twizzle has to rescue the China Doll when she is stolen and locked in a toy cupboard. First UK Broadcasts:
26 |
Jiffy's New Twigs Jiffy’s twigs wear out so the toys go in search of new ones. First UK Broadcasts:
27 |
Twizzle And The Snowman Twizzle and Footso build a snowman but don’t like it when he comes to stay with them. First UK Broadcasts:
28 |
Twizzle And The Thin Teddy Bear Twizzle and Footso decide to find the angry Teddy Bear something to eat. First UK Broadcasts:
29 |
The Lazy Broomstick Man Jiffy refuses to clean the streets of Stray Town until Twizzle thinks of a plan. First UK Broadcast:
30 |
Twizzle And The Polly Moppet Twizzle meets a new toy and brings it to Stray Town to help Jiffy the Broomstick Man. First UK Broadcasts:
Repeat Broadcasts (ITV):
31 |
Footso And The Magic Seeds Chawky the white-faced golliwog doesn’t like Footso sleeping in his garden so he plants some magic seeds to give him a fright. First UK Broadcasts:
32 |
Footso Has Toothache Footso has a sore tooth but he doesn’t want Twizzle to take him to the dentist. First UK Broadcasts:
33 |
Jiffy And The Polly Moppet Quarrel Jiffy the Broomstick Man gets up to mischief once again. First UK Broadcasts:
34 |
Footso Gets A New Tail When Footso catches his tail in a door, the toys decide to knit him a new one. First UK Broadcasts:
35 |
Twizzle Is Naughty Twizzle teases the toys and makes them angry. First UK Broadcasts:
36 |
Twizzle Is Stolen Footso sets out to rescue Twizzle when he is stolen and locked in a bird cage. First UK Broadcasts:
37 |
Twizzle And The Naughty Breakdown Van Twizzle decides to build a garage for his breakdown van. First UK Broadcast:
38 |
Twizzle And The Toy Inspector Twizzle and Footso make a new friend. First UK Broadcasts:
39 |
Chawky Gets A Present Chawky the white-faced golliwog has a surprise when the toys give him a present. First UK Broadcasts:
40 |
Jiffy's Birthday Jiffy the Broomstick Man decides to host a birthday party and all of the broken down toys are invited. First UK Broadcasts:
41 |
Orange And The Banana Tree Both oranges and bananas grow on a tree in Stray Town so Twizzle and the toys all have some lovely fruit. First UK Broadcasts:
42 |
Stray Town Thief There seems to be a thief at large in Stray Town, but the toys manage to clear up the mystery. First UK Broadcasts:
43 |
Footso And The Naughty Girl Footso the cat is in trouble again, but it is not his fault. First UK Broadcasts:
44 |
Naughty Polly Moppet Twizzle is angry when Polly Moppet misbehaves. First UK Broadcasts:
45 |
Polly Moppet Disappears Polly Moppet has gone missing, so all the toys go to look for her. First UK Broadcasts:
46 |
Twizzle Goes Fishing Twizzle, Footso and Chawky the white-faced golliwog go fishing in the lake, with surprising results. First UK Broadcasts:
47 |
Twizzle Goes To The Fair Twizzle and Candy Floss are glad that Jiffy can fly when they visit the fair. First UK Broadcasts:
48 |
Twizzle Goes To The Seaside Twizzle and Footso go to the beach and Footso gets sand in his whiskers. First UK Broadcasts:
49 |
Twizzle Goes Camping Twizzle and Footso go off to camp and have some trouble with their tent. First UK Broadcasts:
50 |
Twizzle Goes To The Zoo Twizzle visits the zoo and the thin Teddy Bear gets into trouble. First UK Broadcasts:
51 |
Twizzle Papers The Cabin Twizzle tries his hand at decorating and Jiffy gets into a sticky situation. First UK Broadcasts:
52 |
Candy Floss Has A Birthday Twizzle and the broken-down toys help Candy Floss to celebrate her birthday. First UK Broadcasts: