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Thunderbirds go pop!

Thunderbirds pop artArt & Hue has created a  collection of stylish Thunderbirds pop art prints to mark 50 years since the end of the original episodes in 1966.

22 art prints are available in a choice of 18 colours and 3 sizes, printed on museum-quality archival card of 310gsm, made from 100% cotton, using pigment inks which will last lifetimes. The collection showcases some of the series’s modernist Mid-Century architecture, American ‘ubergeek’ Brains and the British style of Lady Penelope and Parker.

Original Thunderbirds photographs have been given a stylish pop art treatment featuring Art & Hue’s signature halftone style. Halftone is an age-old technique that uses dots to make up the printed image, similar to newspapers or comic books.

View the full collection on Art & Hue’s website.