Where is FAB 100?

Please accept our apologies, but FAB 100 is extremely late!

We knew earlier in the year that FAB 100 was going to be a little late, which is why we changed plans and mailed the 40 FAB Years album and the final set of picture cards a few weeks ago (they were planned to be mailed with the magazine).

FAB 100 is finished and now with ITV for approval. Once we get that we can send it for printing, and then we get it mailed just as quickly as we can. As soon as we know it’s in the post, we’ll publish it as a news story here on the club website and share it on our social media. Hopefully, that’ll just be a few weeks.

Rest assured that we haven’t forgotten the hundreds of members who are still owed the Music From The 21st Century By Barry Gray CD (this year’s membership gift). We’ve been mailing them to members for the last two issues of FAB, and the final batch will be mailed with FAB 100.

If you renewed your membership too late to be included in the FAB 99 mailing, any stock of that we have left as FAB 100 is published will become available to buy as a back issue. We can’t make it available until then as we need them to send to new club members.

Sorry again, and thanks for your understanding.