The post-Christmas/January blues are over, and as we’re into FABruary we’re launching FAB-U-LESS!

Since 1991, we’ve published 100 issues of our club magazine FAB, packed with news, reviews, interviews, features, cutaways, members’ letters, comic strips, script-to-screen analysis and much, much more.

If you’ve missed any issues, now’s the time to catch up as all available FAB magazines (and its successor FAB Express) are now permanently reduced in price, to:

  • UK £3.50
  • Europe £6.00
  • rest of the world £7.60

Don’t hang about, though, as some issues are already on our ‘low stock’ listing – when they’re gone, they’re gone!

You can save even more by buying three or more FAB/FAB Express magazines in the same transaction. Apply the coupon code FABBackIssues when you checkout and you’ll get 25% off.

All available issues are here, so pop some reading matter bargains into your basket now.

NOTE: Prices are reviewed periodically to take into account the rising cost of packaging and postage etc.