[UPDATED] Like Ice In The Sun, chapter 6

UPDATED 7/9/24: Chapter 6 is now available!

It’s fitting that on this, Fanderson’s 43rd anniversary, we bring back an aspect of fandom that was big when the club started but has been largely forgotten over the years.

We’re proud to present the first chapter of a new Fireball XL5/Stingray crossover story by Robin Day and Keith Ansell. We’ll publish the story, one chapter each weekend, over the next 25 weeks.

Like Ice In The Sun

Underwater breathing experiments at Marineville start events that could end in a global civil war between the undersea races and the surface world and lead to the destruction of the entire Solar System.

The lives of Steve Zodiac and Troy Tempest along with the crews of Fireball XL5 and Stingray will never be the same again.

This is a crossover adventure set in the Gerry Anderson Universe.

Of this unique project, Keith says:

“Like Ice In The Sun began life as a writing game over 20 years ago with my friend Robin writing the first few pages and sending them to me to pick up where he left off. I then wrote the next few pages and sent the story back to him and so it went on for years gradually evolving into the novel length story. This was a labour of love written by two massive fans of Fireball XL5 and the related comic strips.

“Robin hosted a website called Space City for many years and produced the CGI artwork used by Carlton in their Fireball DVD release. I have been a member of Fanderson since 1992 and have written many short stories and comic strips for their publications collaborating with Shaqui le Vesconte and Richard Farrell. I also used to contribute to Dave Nightingale’s Century 21 magazine in the early 90s, writing the Fireball XL5 Encyclopedia that was published in issues 11 and 12, along with other features.

“Robin sadly passed away on 23rd February 2022 which was a great shock to me and his wife Pauline. We had still been working on Like Ice In The Sun right up to his death and had almost got it finished and ready for publication. I was determined to finish our epic tale and with Pauline’s help I think does justice to the two great TV series it is based upon.”

Download the chapters released so far:

Like Ice In The Sun has been formatted as an A5-sized PDF, so it is readable on most devices, or can easily be printed. We’ll add a chapter per week here, then present the entire story as a complete work in week 25.

It’s Fanderson Day 2024!

Today’s the day each year when Fanderson, the club and its members around the world, show their appreciation to Gerry Anderson, Sylvia Anderson and the hundreds of technicians who brought our favourite TV shows and films to life.

Puppeteers, writers, composers, designers, musicians, model-makers, voice artists, actors, directors, hair, make-up and wardrobe and many, many more people worked as part of the amazingly talented teams that Gerry and Sylvia recruited and nurtured to bring Thunderbirds, UFO, Stingray, DoppelgängerJoe 90, Space:1999 and so many more to the screen.

They all deserve recognition for their wonderful work which is why, every year on Fanderson Day*, we celebrate all these very special people. Join us by commenting below** or on social media, or email us at fanderson.org.uk@outlook.com, to tell everyone who (on the Anderson productions) you think is special and why.

*With so many people to recognise, celebrate and honour it’s appropriate to do it on the day Fanderson was formed by Gerry Anderson and ITC, with the explicit intention of celebrating and honouring Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s productions.

**Comments can only be left by club members, and all comments are moderated.