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[AUS] UFO coming to Blu-ray Disc down under

Definitive UFO Blu-ray boxset on positive track!

Australian cult film and TV label ViaVision has announced the release of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s 1969 series UFO, coming to Blu-ray Disc on 26th March! This eight disc set boasts an impressive range of special features, including new interviews with guest stars Jane Merrow and Derren Nesbitt, a 120-page booklet and new episode commentaries by authors and Fanderson members Ian Fryer and Chris Drake, and ITC historians Jonathan Wood and Rick Davy. ViaVision have worked hard to include as many archival special features as possible from previous releases too.

Most interesting is the note that “grading work and updates have been applied to select episodes, correcting specific flaws in the original restoration”, so we can hope this really is the definitive boxset to get!

Although we’re unable to confirm whether this release includes region-coding, when it is applied Australia is BD region B, the same as the UK.

See the full details and order your copy now here.