Gerry Anderson Convention alert! Anderson Entertainment has announced it will hold its first ever Gerry Anderson convention in April 2014.
Hosted by Anderson Entertainment and produced by Basestar Limited, AnderCon will celebrate the life and legacy of British television’s most celebrated Science Fiction producer, and creator of telefantasy classics including Thunderbirds, Space 1999, Joe 90, Captain Scarlet, UFO and Stingray.
There will be guest appearances from many of the actors and voice artists from across the series, including Zienia Merton, Prentis Hancock and Pam Rose (Space 1999); David Quilter and Richard James (Space Precinct); David Graham, Matt Zimmerman and Shane Rimmer (Thunderbirds).

Production personnel attending currently include Mike Trim, Steve Begg, Kevin Davies, Crispin Merrell, Terry Adlam and Phil Ford.
In what promises to be a first for a Gerry Anderson convention, the event also aims to bring to life the creativity and ingenuity of those early studio days through displays of production drawings, together with recreations of actual sets used in the filming of classic shows such as Thunderbirds and Stingray!
Andercon will be held across the weekend of Saturday 19th – 20th 2014, at the Park Inn Hotel, Heathrow Airport, London.
Watch out for:
- Brains’s Laboratory
- an explosive Refinery
- the Rolling Road beloved of many an action sequence
- Stingray’s “underwater” tank, complete with fish alongside some of the surviving full-sized vehicles that appeared in Anderson’s productions.
There will be an impressive display of reproduction props and models courtesy of fan collectors and prop builders, providing some great photo opportunities for fans.
More information on the event can be found on the event website: with additional guests and event attractions to be announced in the coming months!