Andrew Skilleter Thunderbirds artwork on sale

Andrew Skilleter Thunderbirds artwork on saleProfessional Gerry Anderson artist Andrew Skilleter is offering six new Anderson art prints of Thunderbirds 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 for sale. The famous craft are accompanied by their Tracy brother pilots, together with FAB1 and Lady Penelope. The print range has also recently been expanded to include Stingray and Captain Scarlet.

These prints are privately published and are only available direct from the artist. For images and full details on how to buy, plus his Gerry Anderson magazine artwork, check out Andrew’s Facebook page.

Andrew Skilleter original Gerry Anderson artwork goes on sale

Andrew Skilleter original Gerry Anderson artwork.

Andrew Skilleter artworkA beautiful collection of original Gerry Anderson artwork by professional illustrator Andrew Skilleter has gone on general sale. The artwork spans his output for the Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet and Joe 90 Fleetway comics that were edited by Alan Fennell in the early 1990s.

In addition to republishing classic TV21 strips from the 1960s, the Fleetway titles also featured original strips and content, including a wide range of covers and page artwork by Andrew.

Visit Andrew’s new Facebook page to view the full collection and find details of how to make a purchase:
Gerry Anderson Art by Andrew Skilleter

Discounts are available for the purchase of two or more pieces and there is the possibility of staged payments. You can also visit Andrew Skilleter’s website to find out more about his career, artwork and current projects

You may have a favourite page or spread – well, now’s your chance to own something very special!