Thunderbirds Aren’t (Le)Go!

Sadly, it doesn’t look like Thunderbirds will be go in Lego form, at least not any time soon!

You may remember that last May Fanderson members rallied to get Andrew Clark’s Thunderbirds Are Go Lego Ideas project over the 10,000 supporter line. This qualified it to be part of Lego’s official project review, and the results were announced live on Facebook today.

Eleven projects were considered in this review:

  • Thunderbirds Are Go by AndrewClark2 (click on ‘Updates’ on the page to see the Thunderbirds version)


plus Medieval Blacksmith by Namirob and Winnie the Pooh by benlouisa which will go forward to become official Lego sets.

Check out the Lego Ideas site for more amazing Anderson-inspired designs.