Winter mailing on positive track!

We are absolutely delighted to report that our winter mailing is now underway.

We’re hoping the packages will navigate their way through the ongoing postal disruption in the UK, so that Fanderson members around the world will be enjoying our latest FAB Express (issue 102) plus FAB Annual 2023 in time for Christmas.

As part of our updated membership package launched this summer, FAB Express is published each spring, summer and winter, with a hardback FAB Annual in the winter mailing too. Everyone’s membership expired in the summer, and we’re chuffed that over 80% renewed their membership before the 1st October deadline (that’s one of our best-ever renewals!).

We’ve also heard from a few members who realise they’ve missed the deadline. Of course, we’ll see what we can do to help them to ensure they don’t miss out.

Keep your eye out for the postie!