Give Or Take £8,000

Thanks to Fanderson members, International Rescue’s Virgil Tracy recently delivered a cheque for £8,023 to The Silver Line, the club’s donation from the recent Supercelebration convention.

This fantastic donation means that over 1,600 more people will be able to phone The Silver Line if they’re feeling lonely – for help, advice, or even just for a chat. Loneliness amongst older people can lead to depression, leave people vulnerable to abuse and even affect the onset of dementia. The Silver Line operates the only confidential, free helpline for older people across the UK that’s open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Having just helped the children of Coralville Children’s Hospital (see Give Or Take A Million), it’s great that International Rescue have been able to also now help older people.

Special thanks to Glo Thorogood for the cheque presentation.