New Thunderbirds toys from Corgi

Thunderbirds are go for Corgi this spring.

Die-cast manufacturer Corgi has announced a new and updated range of Thunderbirds toys to supplement their Stingray, SPV and Angel Interceptor. The new range includes FAB 1, Thunderbirds 1, 2 (with 4) and 3, and Corgi are at pains to stress the work done to ensure these new toys better represent the vehicles as seen on-screen. Corgi’s blog includes comparison shots, showing the reprofiling done on TBs 1 and 3, plus the better paint job on TB2.

Sadly, though much of this work has been appreciated by fans, over-riding comments on social media have been less than complimentary, particularly citing the rather bulbous FAB 1 (resembling more the life-size car made to publicise Thunderbird 6 in 1967) rather than Lady Penelope’s sleek limousine. Attention has also been drawn to Scalextric’s (another Hornby Hobbies brand) FAB 1 last year that largely managed to get the car right!

The new models are available to pre-order now at Corgi’s website.

Have your say in the 2025 membership survey

Tell us what you think about your club!

As we welcome in 2025 we’d like to hear what you think about your club. Our 2021 membership survey really helped shape the membership package that we have today. Your merchandise suggestions and ideas help us understand what we already do that you like, and what you would like us to produce. Your feedback also helps us know what events you’d like in the future, website features you’d like to see etc. Your responses also help us understand how best to run the club. With inflation affecting us all, your input helps us understand how the cost of living might impact you and the club, and how you think we might meet the challenges ahead of us.

So, please take a few minutes to participate in our membership survey, which is open to all current members of Fanderson until the end of January.

It’s also time for you to elect your chairman for the next five years, although no club members were nominated by the Christmas Eve deadline. Nick Williams (the incumbent) is standing again, and it’s important that we understand whether you support him or not.

Nick says “I was surprised last summer to discover that I am the club’s longest serving chairman. Having contributed to Fanderson’s success for 35 years, I’m standing once again to be your club chairman.

When I became Secretary in 1990, I immediately set about ways to make database maintenance and preparing for mailings easier. I also worked closely with the then chairman to bring a more formal, productive structure to committee meetings and records of those meetings. I was asked to take on the additional responsibility of Treasury in 1994, when the club’s finances were in a perilous state. I had a plan to turn the situation around and by 1995 all debts had been paid and we were consistently back in the black. I introduced the card payment facility, and brought in elementary management information to help the committee make informed decisions.

When I became Chairman in 2007, membership numbers were in serious decline. Members told us that sporadic magazine mailings and website updates were giving the impression that the club was closing. The plan was to get the magazine back on a regular schedule and have a website that would be an immediate port of call for anyone who wanted information, news, to buy merchandise or to contact the club. By giving a new, inclusive, direction for FAB we had more members contributing to our club magazine. Membership numbers (and, crucially, membership renewals) immediately stabilised and then started to increase again. 

I don’t have an encyclopaedic recall of every Anderson fact and figure, but I don’t think that’s the role of a Chairman. I have guided and supported your committee, the club and its members well for 17 years. I’ve had to make some tough decisions but, where possible, aim to include members’ comments and ideas in a creative solution that will work. That’s why the results of the last survey were so important in re-shaping the membership package in the face of rapidly increasing costs. I’ve never underestimated or taken for granted the responsibility that this position demands. I’ve never been afraid to stand up and do the right thing for the club and its members – even on occasion that it’s made me unpopular with a minority. That said, I believe I’ve been a positive ambassador for the club, maintaining great relationships with existing partners and building relationships with new ones.

Fanderson has been one of the very best fan clubs for the last 44 years. I intend that we keep everything that’s made it great, though I’ve always got my eye on the future and what’s coming around the corner. I’m incredibly proud of all we’ve achieved in my time, and relish the opportunity to continue. I hope you’ll show your support by voting for me.”

What happened On This Day?

Check out our new feature to see what happened On This Day in Anderson history!

We’ve just launched a new website feature which will tell you all kinds of things, Anderson-related, that happened on this day in history. Births, deaths, marriages, premiere broadcasts, regional broadcasts, guest appearances on other series and films and much more are available – day by day.

This feature will always be a work on progress, so if you’ve got information to share with us and add to coming pages, please drop us a line at now!

Click on the link underneath the blue carousel on the homepage to see today’s page.


Like Ice In The Sun – story complete

It’s fitting that in this, Fanderson’s 43rd anniversary, we bring back an aspect of fandom that was big when the club started but has been largely forgotten over the years.

We’re proud to present the first chapter of a new Fireball XL5/Stingray crossover story by Robin Day and Keith Ansell:

Like Ice In The Sun

Underwater breathing experiments at Marineville start events that could end in a global civil war between the undersea races and the surface world and lead to the destruction of the entire Solar System.

The lives of Steve Zodiac and Troy Tempest along with the crews of Fireball XL5 and Stingray will never be the same again.

This is a crossover adventure set in the Gerry Anderson Universe.

Of this unique project, Keith says:

“Like Ice In The Sun began life as a writing game over 20 years ago with my friend Robin writing the first few pages and sending them to me to pick up where he left off. I then wrote the next few pages and sent the story back to him and so it went on for years gradually evolving into the novel length story. This was a labour of love written by two massive fans of Fireball XL5 and the related comic strips.

“Robin hosted a website called Space City for many years and produced the CGI artwork used by Carlton in their Fireball DVD release. I have been a member of Fanderson since 1992 and have written many short stories and comic strips for their publications collaborating with Shaqui le Vesconte and Richard Farrell. I also used to contribute to Dave Nightingale’s Century 21 magazine in the early 90s, writing the Fireball XL5 Encyclopedia that was published in issues 11 and 12, along with other features.

“Robin sadly passed away on 23rd February 2022 which was a great shock to me and his wife Pauline. We had still been working on Like Ice In The Sun right up to his death and had almost got it finished and ready for publication. I was determined to finish our epic tale and with Pauline’s help I think does justice to the two great TV series it is based upon.”

Download the story from our Fan Fiction page.

Like Ice In The Sun has been formatted as an A5-sized PDF, so it is readable on most devices, or can easily be printed.

Would you like to see more fan fiction here? Leave us a comment, whether it’s about Like Ice In The Sun or fan fiction in general.

[AUS] Supercar coming on DVD

Following their releases of Thunderbirds, Stingray, Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons, The Secret Service, The Protectors and this compilation boxset, Australian cult TV and film label ViaVision has announced they’ll be releasing Supercar in February!

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s 1960-2 series Supercar will be released in a 6-DVD boxset on 12th February 2025 and can be pre-ordered now for just AUD$49.95. The set will include all 39 episodes, with commentaries by Gerry Anderson on selected episodes.

FAB Annual 2025 on its way in time for Christmas, for most club members

Finally! We can confirm that FAB Annual 2025 has been mailed to Fanderson members today!

Hopefully, this will give enough time for the majority of members to find their annual under the tree this Christmas – certainly those in the UK should and maybe those in parts of Europe too. Unfortunately, due to ongoing industrial action in Canada we’ve been advised not to mail to members there, but we’ll keep your FAB Annuals safe and post them as soon as the action is over and the backlog of mail has cleared.

Together with FAB Express 108, mailed recently, our winter mailing is complete and we can get on with welcoming all the new club members who have been waiting patiently for their membership packages!

FAB Express 108 is on its way… FAB Annual 2025 to follow

Regrettably, FAB Annual 2025 has been unavoidably delayed, but it is now at the printer.

However, with the post getting more and more busy as we get nearer to Christmas, we wanted to ensure FAB Express 108 was in your hands as quickly as possible – so it’s in the post now! We’ll get FAB Annual 2025 following on just as soon as we can and we’re working hard to get it to all club members for Christmas!

As well as all the Anderson news and your views, FAB Express 108 takes a FlashBack to Joe 90 Three’s A Crowd. This proved to be a real fan favourite so there wasn’t enough room to include everyone’s thoughts and comments in the magazine (there’s not even enough room for Noticeboard this issue). To whet your appetite for the magazine itself, you can read those that wouldn’t fit below.

Now that the winter mailing is underway we’re able to make new memberships available once again. Thanks to all those who have patiently waited for news of this – we’ve emailed you already and look forward to welcoming you to Fanderson very soon. Please note that we won’t be mailing new membership packages until FAB Annual 2025 has been published.

Finally, remember that we’ve launched a fair bit of new merchandise recently. Also, in the Low Stock category you’ll find a few FAB back issues have been added (issues 42 to 50). There are fewer than 10 copies of each, so they won’t be around for long. Remember – buy three or more issues in the same transaction and save 25%!

FlashBack – Joe 90 Three’s A Crowd

Thomas Bright, Sandy, Bedfordshire

Three’s A Crowd is an outstanding episode of Joe 90. Not only is it outstanding because it is a superb episode, but also because it is largely devoid of the usual Supermarionation trappings – there are no explosions, little action, and very minimal model work. Instead, the focus is entirely on characters and their relationships. At the core is the burgeoning romance between ‘Mac’ and Angela Davis. Romance of any kind was rare in Supermarionation, the most obvious examples being the flirtations between Troy and Atlanta in Stingray, Alan and Tin-Tin in Thunderbirds, and of course Captain Blue’s rather ridiculous declaration of love for Symphony Angel in Captain Scarlet’s Attack On Cloudbase (do dream sequences count?). But never was romance treated so maturely as it is in Three’s A Crowd. This episode perhaps most typifies Joe 90’s different approach compared to its predecessors, with a greater devotion to character development. While action and adventure are plentiful, Joe 90 is much more nuanced than, say, Captain Scarlet, whose characters we barely get to know as people or individuals. Joe 90, on the other hand, has lots of character-driven episodes, such as Operation McClaine, Talkdown, and the surprisingly emotional Relative Danger. Three’s A Crowd is the ultimate expression of that, and a very strong episode because of it.

Even its guest ‘star’, Angela Davis, is given much more depth than other typical Joe 90 villains – the incredibly dark opening scene shows that although she may be acting for largely mercenary reasons, the threat of brutal execution means she is also motivated by fear and self-preservation. If she fails, she dies – and that aspect makes her a much more mature character as a result. Incidentally, Three’s A Crowd is the only episode of Joe 90 to feature a female character so prominently.

Having ‘Mac’ as the object of her ‘affections’ is a masterstroke. From the very first episode, he is portrayed with such humanity, and he emotes far more than any other Supermarionation character – throughout the series he emotes sarcasm, anger, sadness, protectiveness, ingenuity, courage… Therefore, having him fall for a woman, particularly when he is a widower (Anderson trope bingo!) is entirely in character. He is also not a completely willing participant in WIN’s Project 90 machinations, and frequently resents WIN’s interference in his and Joe’s private lives, and this really comes to the fore here, with his courtship of Angela Davis driving a wedge between him and his best friend, Sam Loover. As the audience, you sympathise with both parties – you feel for ‘Mac’ because you want him to be happy and you understand his frustration with Sam prying into his private life, as well as the knowledge that he is being manipulated. And you feel for Sam because you know he has ‘Mac’s’ best interests at heart and doesn’t want to see his friend hurt.

The other main relationship that comes under the spotlight is that between ‘Mac’ and Joe. Credit must go to Tony Barwick’s mature writing and Len Jones’ performance – Joe reacts naturally and realistically to this ‘intrusion’ into his world. The show does not linger on the fact that Joe is ‘Mac’s adopted son (indeed, I believe it is only mentioned once, in The Most Special Agent, in a piece of throwaway dialogue), but one can only imagine how Joe must feel that his adopted father, with whom he has such a close bond, is giving his attentions to someone else. As a character, Joe had the real potential to be a brat, but here he reacts as any child – particularly an adopted one – might do in the same situation.

All the characters here behave so real in Three’s A Crowd. They are so human, and it shows just how far Supermarionation had come in its storytelling. You would never have got an episode like this in any of the preceding shows, and while Three’s A Crowd might not be everyone’s cup of tea because it lacks so many of the things Supermarionation was known for, it is a beautiful, character-driven drama with a sophistication that we’d only ever see again in UFO. Despite having a nine-year-old as its main star, Joe 90 was definitely not a purely children’s programme; it was so much more grown-up, and Three’s A Crowd epitomises this. Rupert Davies, as he always does, gives a rich and humane performance as ‘Mac’, and Barry Gray’s score captures the mood of this episode beautifully. While it may not be as exciting or action-oriented as, say, Splashdown or Attack Of The Tiger, Three’s A Crowd is nonetheless very compelling, and arguably in my top five Joe 90episodes. It really is that good.


Doug Pelton, Mississauga, Canada

When I was a teen I logged down locally airing Anderson shows in a business day planner mom gave me from her work. Beside the one for this Joe 90 my fannish High School friend Peter Chapman pencilled in BEST STORY. He wasn’t far off.

3AC starts off grim and uses character deviation quite well. Mac gets taken by our lady spy and even Sam’s attempt to warn him off strengthens his position. WIN has every reason to be on edge. The opening was grim the way the slain spy agent slumping slowly to the ground and the viewing party seen slit window pane looking on. Further on it was Tony Barwick’s genius having Joe take her BP and open her can of worms. What followed was a hypothetically scenario much akin to the MIG 242 pilot offered by Uncle Shane Weston. The quick edited scene of seated Joe having it out with Angela with fancy quick editing in harmony with the quick sentences. Sylvia had a great time doing a baddie for a change. And my former General Cope is there in the front seat of the motor. C21 grew up in strides with Tony writing for a more adult maturing Anderson audience with UFO a year or so away.


Derek Eaton, Whittington, Staffordshire

“The best thing about bein’ a woman, is the prerogative to have a little fun” – is what a modern day version of Joe 90 would say as he came out of the BIG RAT – a young boy with a woman’s brain pattern.

Unfortunately, Joe 90 would simply not be made in today’s world. So the basic premise is an adopted 9 year old boy whose parents died at the age of one, spends four years in the care system before he is adopted by a couple in Dorset. Once adopted he then loses his stepmother Mary Maclaine, who if she was alive would have never in her right mind allowed him to help his scientist step dad in the basement of the remote cottage, let alone go on to receive the brain patterns of adults to carry out very high risk missions around the world. Oh, and yes the British Intelligence is aware of this and let it carry on. To be honest it’s barmier than the Priest who shrinks his gardener and that got cancelled!

So, once we have got this out way then this particular Joe 90 episode, much like many of other episodes in this series, is beautifully written and executed (no pun on the opening scene which is a bit brutal). My favourite voice performance in the episode should be Sylvia Anderson as the two faced Angela Davies but then I realised that Keith Alexander was voicing the two characters in the execution – so killing himself. Any last words?

I enjoyed the lovely external Opera House shot, dressed with statues at the entrance and a full car park, which is only on screen for a few seconds before being taken back to the now overflowing Century 21 props room. Also, the footage pinched from Thunderbirds of the monorail train coming out the tunnel and showing the detail of the push bikes parked casually on the side.

An episode with quite a bit of character development in 25 mins and not a lot of hardware really – note the plane takes off with one set of markings changes them in mid-air but they are back to original for landing.

Finally, in the Joe 90 multiverse – an investigation begins at Dorset Social Services after nine-year-old boy is shot out of the sky after stealing a Mig 242 from an airbase in Moscow.

[UK] Stingray returns to Talking Pictures TV

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s underwater classic Stingray is returning to Talking Pictures TV from Saturday 8th December at 08:25.

The acclaimed British children’s science fiction series about a futuristic submarine patrol that’s responsible for policing the Earth’s oceans, was filmed in 1963 using a combination of marionette puppetry and scale model special effects.

Stingray joins Talking Pictures TV’s current screenings of Fireball XL5, Thunderbirds and Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons, demonstrating the channel’s proud and continued support of classic TV, and to bring these series to a new audience! How long until Joe 90 or The Secret Service join TPTV’s schedule? Contact TPTV’s co-founder Noel Cronin BEM to let him know you want to see them on TV again (you can remind him that it would be The Secret Service‘s UK premiere in most regions, having only been screened by ATV, Granada and Southern previously)!

Talking Pictures TV is available in the UK on Freeview/Youview 82, Freesat 306, Sky channel 328 and Virgin 445, with a streaming service at

[UK] Thunderbirds on TPTV again!

Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s 1964 series Thunderbirds is returning to Talking Pictures TV (in the UK) on Sunday, 22nd September at 12:20 as Trapped In The Sky will be on UK television screens again.

Thankfully, this is not a one-off screening as with Terror In New York City recently, as the series continues and is joined by screenings on Thursdays at 5am.

Talking Pictures TV is available in the UK on Freeview/Youview 82, Freesat 306, Sky channel 328 and Virgin 445, with a streaming service at