Fanderson’s Annual General Meeting is a chance for the committee to report on the club’s status and respond to members’ questions, thoughts and suggestions.
Fanderson’s next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 27th March 2021. Once again, due to the ongoing pandemic and to give as many members as possible the opportunity to be involved, the 2021 AGM will be held virtually.
The deadline for any questions or proposals is Sunday 31st January 2021. Please check our Constitution for the criteria by which proposals should be submitted for member voting.
This year the club committee will be responding to as many members’ questions as possible in a special Fanderson podcast, and members are encouraged to record their questions for that:
- Send your name, postcode/zipcode, club membership number and email address to fanderson.org.uk@outlook.com no later than Sunday 31st January 2021.
- Podcast host Ros Connors will contact you after 31st January to arrange a convenient time to record your question(s)
- Your question(s) will be answered by a committee member as part of the special AGM podcast
If you don’t want to record your question for the podcast, you can still write in to fanderson.org.uk@outlook.com no later than Sunday 31st January 2021, and a committee member will respond as part of the special AGM podcast. Just remember to include your name, postcode/zipcode, club membership number and email address with your question.
Voting on any matters raised that require a vote by the membership will be open early in March, to enable results to be presented as part of the AGM.
Details of the AGM itself will be confirmed nearer the date.