[UK] Sci-fi and fantasy at Cromford Mills Comic Con

Fanderson is delighted to, once again, be able to meet fans of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s work at this year’s event at Cromford Mills on Sunday 13th August.

Now entitled Comic Con, the event promises an intergalactic display of models, props, puppets and costumes from classic sci-fi productions of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson, Doctor Who, Harry Potter, Blake’s 7, Star Trek, Stranger Things, Star Wars… and beyond!

Fans of all ages are encouraged to dress up for the cosplay competition and explore the site showing off their creations. There will be stalls selling everything from comics and toys to replica props and clothing. They’ll also have photo opportunities, gaming, activities, Lego displays, and much much more.

It’s sure to be out of this world and a great day for the entire family – and entry is free! Come along to the Fanderson table and say “hello”!

Below photos are from previous events at Cromford Mills.

FAB Express 103 in the post!

Our spring mailing went in the post to all Fanderson members today.

FAB Express 103 should soon start landing in current members’ homes, and will be included in the welcome package for new members along with FAB Annual 2023.

Click here for an extended review of Presented In Supercolorisation.

We’re planning for FAB Express 104 to follow in the summer. That mailing will also include details of how to renew your membership in time to be included in the winter mailing and get FAB Annual 2024!

Keep your eye out for the postie!

‘Tis the season for giving…

Christmas is a time for giving, so from 1st December we’ll be giving club members special offers each day in our online advent calendar, right up to Christmas Eve, and raising money for charity.

Some items have been donated by our generous friends, and we’ve been checking our storage units, cupboards (even down the back of the sofa!) to collect some great offers for Fanderson members. We’ll have product discounts, charity raffles, freebies, lucky dips, charity auctions, and you’ll be able to get some items in return for a donation to our advent charity – Hearing Dogs For Deaf People.

Come back on 1st December to open the first window!


Winter mailing on positive track!

We are absolutely delighted to report that our winter mailing is now underway.

We’re hoping the packages will navigate their way through the ongoing postal disruption in the UK, so that Fanderson members around the world will be enjoying our latest FAB Express (issue 102) plus FAB Annual 2023 in time for Christmas.

As part of our updated membership package launched this summer, FAB Express is published each spring, summer and winter, with a hardback FAB Annual in the winter mailing too. Everyone’s membership expired in the summer, and we’re chuffed that over 80% renewed their membership before the 1st October deadline (that’s one of our best-ever renewals!).

We’ve also heard from a few members who realise they’ve missed the deadline. Of course, we’ll see what we can do to help them to ensure they don’t miss out.

Keep your eye out for the postie!

Improved Fanderson Sales service

Fanderson has improved the way we handle merchandise orders.

By relocating our merchandise mailing operation we’ll better keep our costs under control. Also, from today, orders will shows as ‘Complete’ in your online club account*, so you will know that your order is on its way.

* Unfortunately, we’re currently unable to show ‘complete’ for memberships or Silva Screen products in your order, though we intend to add this just as soon as we can. If your order includes any of these products, the ‘complete’ status does not apply to them.

It’s your final chance to renew your membership!

Today’s the last day for Fanderson members to renew their memberships for 2022/3!

In FAB 100, mailed back in May, we explained that as part of our changes to the membership package, all memberships would expire with the then upcoming FAB Express 101.

All copies of FAB Express 101 mailed in August were accompanied by a letter to explain the changes again, and invite everyone to renew their membership by 1st October. The letter also included details of how we were ensuring those owed issues of FAB under their existing membership would not be out of pocket, and coupon codes included in letters expire today.

We need all renewals in by 1st October so that we can plan to produce the right number of FAB Annual 2023. Producing too many copies would be a waste of members’ money, so we won’t be over-printing for those who don’t renew their membership in time.

We close the database at midnight tonight, so if you haven’t yet renewed your membership (including Friends of Fanderson), get your skates on and do it now!

If you still need a nudge, here’s all five preview pages of the Annual that we’ve shared this week…

FAB Annual 2023 – don’t miss out on your copy!

Fanderson’s all-new FAB Annual 2023 will be sent to all club members in our winter mailing.

If you haven’t yet renewed your membership since FAB Express 101, you’ve only got until 1st October to be included in the winter mailing and get your copy of the FAB Annual. This 100-page, A4 hardback book includes features on all your favourite Gerry and Sylvia Anderson productions, with a few surprises too!

To ensure we don’t waste members’ money, we won’t be over-printing FAB Annual in case anyone renews after the 1st October deadline. Don’t miss out – if you haven’t already done so, renew your membership now!

FAB Express 101 is go – worldwide!

The first issue of our new club magazine – FAB Express – has been mailed to all Fanderson members around the world!

As part of our updated membership package FAB Express will be published each spring, summer and winter, with a new hardback FAB Annual in the winter mailing too.

We’re aligning memberships so that everyone expires with the summer mailing each year. This will streamline our operation, helping to control costs by having fewer individual items, and fewer permutations of each mailing. FAB Express 101 is being sent to you as a free extra mailing, so you know what you’re signing up for when you renew your membership.

With every issue is a letter explaining how we’re ensuring that anyone who was owed issues of FAB under their old membership won’t be out of pocket. Please wait until you receive FAB Express before renewing your membership, but be sure to renew by 1st October 2022 to be included in the winter mailing and get your next FAB Express and FAB Annual 2023!

The publication of FAB Express also means that FAB 100 is now available as a back issue, for anyone who missed out.

41 FAB Years

On Thursday, 20th August 1981, Gerry Anderson invited fans of his work to meet him at his office at Pinewood Studios, and together they formed Fanderson.

On Saturday, 20th August 2022, Fanderson members celebrated Gerry and Sylvia’s work, and the club itself at the 40th birthday bash (albeit one year late, due to Covid-19!).

Deliberately designed to be a social event rather than a convention, club members enjoyed music, models, puppets and lots of chat as it had been three years since they’d been able to get together (at our Supercelebration convention back in 2019). We were delighted that puppeteers Mary Turner and Judy Preece were available to celebrate with us too. It was a perfect day, weather-wise, and so we were able to enjoy the garden of the Pinewood Hotel much of the time, especially for the barbecue and cake (lots of cake!).

The event package included a birthday card, poster, badge and the first issue of our new club magazine, FAB Express.

Club secretary John Wilkinson also set a couple of quizzes for anyone with time on their hands:

  • a headlines quiz asked members to state the year for 40 Daily Mirror headlines
  • the particularly fiendish episode synopses quiz asked members to identify Anderson episodes from their TV Times listings

You can have a go now (just for fun) and the answers are below the photos.

Well done to our winners Lily Ride (31 out of 40 headlines correct) and Mark Castell (32 out of 40 episodes correct) who each win a lifetime Fanderson membership and Zavvi’s reissued Topps trading cards or vinyl EP boxset (respectively).

Well done to all who took part in the quizzes, and a big thank you to everyone who was able to attend and/or contribute to our 40 FAB Years!

Headlines quiz answers:

  1. 1987
  2. 2010
  3. 2006
  4. 1992
  5. 2011
  6. 2008
  7. 1988
  8. 1995
  9. 1998
  10. 2001
  11. 1984
  12. 2003
  13. 2007
  14. 1999
  15. 1982
  16. 1985
  17. 1994
  18. 1983
  19. 2020
  20. 1996
  21. 2009
  22. 2004
  23. 1989
  24. 1990
  25. 2017
  26. 2018
  27. 2002
  28. 1981
  29. 1991
  30. 2012
  31. 2016
  32. 2000
  33. 2005
  34. 2013
  35. 2014
  36. 2019
  37. 2015
  38. 1993
  39. 1986
  40. 1997

Episode synopses quiz answers:

  1. Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons Flight 104
  2. Thunderbirds Pit Of Peril
  3. Space:1999 The Full Circle
  4. UFO The Dalotek Affair
  5. Joe 90 Business Holiday
  6. Thunderbirds 30 Minutes After Noon
  7. Stingray The Master Plan
  8. The Protectors Petard
  9. Thunderbirds The Man From MI.5
  10. Joe 90 Hi-Jacked
  11. The Protectors Goodbye George
  12. Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons Fire At Rig 15
  13. Fireball XL5 Robert To The Rescue
  14. The Secret Service More Haste – Less Speed
  15. Supercar Keep It Cool
  16. Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons Codename Europa
  17. UFO Timelash
  18. Space:1999 A Matter Of Balance
  19. The Protectors Burning Bush
  20. Thunderbirds Martian Invasion
  21. Stingray The Big Gun
  22. Joe 90 The Fortress
  23. Space:1999 Earthbound
  24. UFO Destruction
  25. The Secret Service Recall To Service
  26. Stingray Sea Of Oil
  27. Thunderbirds End Of The Road
  28. Fireball XL5 Convict In Space
  29. UFO Flight Path
  30. Space:1999 Missing Link
  31. Thunderbirds The Cham-Cham
  32. Space:1999 Dragon’s Domain
  33. UFO Survival
  34. The Protectors A Case For The Right
  35. Thunderbirds Path Of Destruction
  36. Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons The Trap
  37. Space:1999 The Immunity Syndrome
  38. Joe 90 Relative Danger
  39. UFO The Long Sleep
  40. Thunderbirds Martian Invasion