Growing up with Thunderbirds

Dee Anderson is embarking on a tour of the UK, sharing her memories of ‘growing up with Thunderbirds

As the daughter of Sylvia and Gerry Anderson, Dee Anderson, lived and breathed the magic of Thunderbirds and all the other Supermarionation programmes as a child. In this show, Dee presents a heartfelt tribute to the boundless imagination and thrilling adventures that defined a generation.

Gerry and Sylvia’s extraordinary legacy comes to life on stage like never before, inviting you into the world of a child who grew up with Thunderbirds. In her words “It was simply FAB!”

Dates/venues being added as confirmed and tickets become available:

London, 12th May Phoenix Arts Club
Pudsey, Yorkshire, 29th June The Old Woollen
New Milton, Hampshire, 30th August Forest Arts Centre
London, 30th November The Cinema Museum


New Captain Scarlet 20th anniversary exclusive lucky dip

New Captain Scarlet is 20 today!

Gerry Anderson’s final production premiered on ITV 20 years ago today, and we’re giving you the chance to celebrate with a very rare piece of series’ ephemera.

Gerry was extremely proud of New Captain Scarlet but was disappointed that the £22m series, which employed (at that time) cutting edge motion capture computer generated imagery (CGI), didn’t get the high-profile launch it deserved. ITV chose to split the episode Instrument Of Destruction part one in two and screen it as part of the live children’s Saturday morning entertainment show Ministry Of Mayhem. Gradually, the series went on to get better timeslots, and through repeat screenings and DVD releases has gained a more appreciative, mature audience over the intervening 20 years. Although the CGI now looks quite dated, fans now consider the stories to be superior in many cases to the 1968 original.

To celebrate New Captain Scarlet‘s anniversary we’ve got 20 genuine NCS business cards to give away (gifted to the club by Gerry when production ended and he shut the office at Pinewood Studios). Just buy something from our Shop today* and add this item, and you’ll be entered into the lucky dip.

*Lucky Dip closes at midnight (GMT) on 12th February 2025. Purchase required in order to cover postage of the business card. Spend does not include Fanderson memberships or Silva Screen products.

RIP Dr Gerry Anderson (1967-2023)

Fanderson is saddened to report the death of Dr Gerry Anderson, Gerry and Sylvia’s son.

Dr Gerry Anderson was the only son of Sylvia and Gerry, the legendary husband and wife team of Thunderbirds fame. He was born in Windsor on 31st July 1967 and his parents issued an invitation to the celebration of his birth in the image of a clapper board saying “Proudly presenting Gerry Anderson Jnr” bearing his weight and time of birth.

Gerry had been suffering from an incurable brain tumour for a number of years, but prior to that was a renowned anaesthetist, who was headhunted from the UK to New Zealand. He was then offered a prestigious medical consultancy in Tasmania, where he decided to live with his wife and three children.

Gerry had taken a different route to his parents and sister Dee Anderson, who were all in the creative arts, as he had always wanted to enter the medical profession. Dee remembers him asking her for a blood pressure monitor as a Christmas present when only 8 and diagnosing medical conditions from an early age.

Gerry had many experiences in his medical career before becoming an anaesthetist. One of his favourite memories was when he was a ‘flying doctor’ travelling all over the world to treat the sick and dying. He also set up a medical centre in the middle of a remote area of the Amazon forest where he treated a primitive tribe, alongside two other doctors who were travelling with him. He was always trying to utilise his medical skills to improve people’s lives.

In later years, Gerry was an exceptional anaesthetist, who had a gentle confidence which was reflected in his work. Many of his patients kept in touch with him years after their treatment, saying he had made a huge impact on them and their hospital experience.

Although Dee was several years older than Gerry she shared extraordinary experiences with him when they would spend their holidays on film sets at Pinewood Studios, watching their parents programmes being made like Space:1999 and UFO, and mingled with stars from stage and screen like Cliff Richard, Joan Collins, Shirley Bassey and Des O’Connor, who visited their home in Gerrards Cross or at their villa in Portugal.

Gerry was married with three teenage children, Kelsey, Eamear and Max, who gathered around his bedside with his wife Andrea in the last few days of his life.

Dr Gerry Anderson was just 55 years old when he passed away on Wednesday 26th April 2023, and although he did not pursue the stage or screen, was really a true star who made a difference as he touched so many people’s lives.

The following photos are © Sylvia Anderson estate

Just one week until our 40th birthday party!

It’s just one week until club members will be joining special guests and committee members to celebrate 40 years of the world’s only official appreciation society for Gerry Anderson, Sylvia Anderson and their wonderfully talented teams that made some of our favourite television programmes and films.

We’d planned to do it in 2021, but Covid-19 and travel restrictions put paid to that!

We’ll be at the Pinewood Hotel (Wexham Park Lane, George Green, Slough, Buckinghamshire SL3 6AP) from 14:00, where we’ll have a barbecue and, like all good birthday parties, music, drink and (of course) cake! There will also be a cash bar for drinks.

We’ll even have some surprises to keep you entertained between conversations…

Just bring along your order confirmation to show us when you arrive, and we’ll check you against our guest list. Sorry, there will be no on-the-door admissions.

It’s a relaxed event, so dress code is casual.

See you on Saturday!

Celebrating 40 FAB Years (albeit a year late!)

It seems quite remarkable now, but Fanderson has been a part of all our lives for 40 years.

It’s grown from quite humble beginnings, when producer/writer/director Gerry Anderson recognised the need to bring together various disparate groups into a cohesive club for all fans of his work.

Nowadays, when many other media-related clubs have closed down, gone online, or been taken over by the production companies involved, we’re a rare breed. A club created and run by fans, for fans.

Now, 41 years later, we’re celebrating this milestone (we’d planned to do it in 2021, but Covid-19 and travel restrictions put paid to that!).

40 FAB Years is not a convention, but a relaxed party. The perfect occasion to catch up with friends you’ve made through Fanderson over the years, and some special guests will be celebrating with us. We’ll have a barbecue and, like all good birthday parties, there’ll be music, drink and (of course) a cake!

We’ve got space for just 100 Fanderson members to join us at the Pinewood Hotel, a little way down the road from the world famous studios in Buckinghamshire. We’ll be there from 14:00 on Saturday 20th August 2022.

See more and book your place here.

Christmas TV – not EastEnders again!

At a loss for some quality seasonal television from the broadcasters this Christmas? Why not dig out the TVTimes special that we mailed with FAB last year (and again recently for new members)?

Surround yourself with some treats and a little something to wash it all down, then feast out all day on the very best seasonal Gerry and Sylvia Anderson entertainment (and remember, Stingray A Christmas To Remember is just one of the many programmes now available in high definition).

PS – Obviously, but just in case anyone thought otherwise, in the supplement the 40th Anniversary Quiz closed on 31st January 2021, and Six-Five Special offers were valid until 14th February 2021!

You’ve Never Seen These, 25th November


Network has announced another Anderson-themed night of programmes on their streaming service.

The trailer for the free You’ve Never Seen These event on 25th November gives little away of the content other than promising “four complete early Gerry Anderson programmes”. The trailer is full of clips from Supercar and Fireball XL5 (both released by Network on Blu-ray Disc) and You’ve Never Seen This – a light-hearted 1955 documentary series for Associated-Rediffusion and previously screened at Fanderson conventions.

UPDATE: The line-up consisted of the sole known surviving episode of You’ve Never Seen ThisSupercar Pirate Plunder and Fireball XL5 The Granatoid Tanks in ‘Supercolourisation‘. Finally, after playing Stingray Treasure Down Below in HD, Network confirmed that it’s working on a full HD release of the series with the cryptic “Anything can happen in the next half-year”…

40 FAB Years: Since 20th August 1981. By fans, for fans.

Fanderson is 40 years old today!

On 20th August 1981, Gerry Anderson invited representatives from the Fanderson 81 convention, plus clubs Anderpup and the Century 21 Appreciation Society, to meet with him at his office at Pinewood Studios, along with his merchandising right-hand-man Keith Shackleton.

Together, they pooled their ideas and talents to form the world’s only official appreciation society for the work of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson. You can read the minutes of that inaugural meeting here.

On behalf of all Fanderson members:

  • The biggest THANK YOU to Gerry Anderson, for having the foresight to unite fans around the world
  • Another big THANK YOU to Pam Barnes, Mark Jones, Barbara Kitson, Chris Leach, David Nightingale, Phil Rae, Keith Shackleton, Brendan Sheehan and John Williams for getting together with Gerry that day to give our club such a great start.
  • THANK YOU also to Sylvia Anderson, who was so kind, understanding and gracious (if, at times, a little naughty!)
  • A very special THANK YOU to all the committee members who have given up countless hours of their free time to run the club over the years, as well as those who have made a significant contribution (recognised as a Friend Of Fanderson or Life Member).

Finally, THANK YOU to all Fanderson members, past and present. Thanks to your support, after 40 years the club’s stronger than ever.

Join us in celebrating today with something bubbly, whilst you read more about Fanderson’s beginnings here. Or, if you haven’t done so already, take a few minutes to have your say about the future of your club, by completing our 2021 Membership Survey – you could win a FAB prize!

Plenty to enjoy on Gerry Anderson anniversary

As the anniversary of Gerry Anderson’s birthday (14th April) draws near, broadcasters and streaming services in the UK are planning to celebrate!

On the day itself, BritBox in the UK will offer Gerry Anderson’s Greatest Episodes. This will apparently include Gerry’s favourite ten episodes of his own productions, including linking material by the man himself. The episodes are:

  1. Stingray Pilot
  2. Thunderbirds Trapped In The Sky
  3. Thunderbirds Terror In New York City
  4. Thunderbirds Attack Of The Alligators
  5. Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons The Mysterons
  6. Joe 90 The Most Special Agent
  7. UFO A Question Of Priorities
  8. UFO Reflections In The Water
  9. Space:1999 Breakaway
  10. Space:1999 Black Sun

Surprisingly, the selection doesn’t include Gerry and Sylvia’s least known series – The Secret Service – which Gerry had told fans on many occasions was his personal favourite of all his series (and is also available on BritBox). Keen Fanderson members will know that all these episodes have been on BritBox since January, although the linking material will be new to the platform. Normally costing £5.99 per month, if you sign up to BritBox now you get a free 7-day trial.

Network Distributing are offering another of their popular Night In experiences from 14th April via their streaming platform. At just over 4½-hours, Gerry Anderson’s Night In includes Supercar False Alarm, Fireball XL5 A Day In The Life Of A Space General, Captain Scarlet And The Mysterons The Inquisition, Joe 90 The Birthday, UFO A Question Of Priorities, Space: 1999 Black Sun, Terrahawks Close Call and New Captain Scarlet Dominion in high-definition (all already available on Blu-ray Disc). Each episode has a special introduction, and special features include “some Supermarionation commercials advertising everything from Sugar Smacks to… er, more Sugar Smacks….”. All for just £4.99 for 7-day access!

The UK’s Forces TV (Freeview/YouView 96, Freesat 165, Sky 181, and Virgin 274) is inviting UFO fans to choose their favourite episode from the pre-selected shortlist of Mindbender, Sub-Smash, A Question Of Priorities, Reflections In The Water and The Cat With Ten Lives. Voting closed on 10th April. The winning episode will be broadcast at 10pm on 14th April (repeated on 17th April at 9pm), accompanied by some “never before seen on TV” footage including Gerry giving a very special introduction to the winning episode. UFO fans immediately expressed their dismay at the seemingly arbitrary episode selection, which would appear to be geared to those for which it was possible to create an introduction by the man himself.

Shout! Factory are also holding a 24-hour marathon of Anderson productions on the day for viewers in territories with the Shout! Factory TV streaming service.