USA: New postage rates

Club members in the USA will notice that we are introducing a new price band for our products and services especially for them.

For many years the postage cost differences between the USA and other destinations outside Europe has been negligible, so we have had a ‘rest of the world’ price band that includes them alongside Canada, Japan, Oceania and other territories. Unfortunately, postage to the USA has risen sharply recently, to the extent that in many cases it is now more expensive to mail from the UK to the USA than it is to mail to Australia!

The Fanderson Sales leaflet mailed with FAB 100 details all the new prices.

It will take a short while to add the new option to all of our products in the Shop. If you’re in the USA and we haven’t yet added the US price to an item you want to buy, please select the RW (rest of the world) option for that item.

We’ve popped FAB 100 in the post (and no renewals needed!)

It’s been a long time coming, but we’ve reached a momentous milestone as the 100th issue of our club magazine, FAB, has been mailed to all members worldwide.

As members will read in the magazine, we’ve got big plans to make some important changes so no memberships expire with this special celebratory issue – despite what it might say on your envelope, there’s no need to renew your membership right now.

With FAB 100 we’ve now mailed our Music From The 21st Century By Barry Gray CD to everyone eligible for a copy (it’s been mailed to members renewing their memberships in time for FAB 98, 99 and 100 mailings). The music license for this disc means we can only give the disc away, so we will never be able to sell copies.

Unfortunately, in the UK we’ve got a four-day weekend coming up to celebrate Queen Elizabeth II’s platinum jubilee so, with no post deliveries for UK members this Thursday or Friday, the timing could have been better!

Do let us know (on social media, by email, or even a letter!) when the postie pops FAB 100 through your slot, as it helps us understand just how good the postal services are around the world right now.

For anyone who missed the FAB 99 mailing, this also means that FAB 99 is now available in the Shop to buy as a back issue.

Spring Spend & Save – extended for May

Beat the price rises and save now with our Spring Spend & Save promotion!

Rising costs across printing, manufacturing, storage and postage means that we will have to increase prices on some of our range of exclusive merchandise, effective from FAB 100.

As always, we look to make every economy possible before increasing prices. Spring Spend & Save is designed to help you make economies too.

Filling your basket with a range of merchandise is much more economical to package and post than, say, ordering a single sticker, book or embroidered patch. So, until the end of May we’re ofering a ‘spend and save’ discount:

  • spend over £50 in a single order* and enter coupon code SSS50 at checkout to save 5%
  • spend over £100 in a single order* and enter coupon code SSS100 at checkout to save 10%

Our standard terms and conditions apply, plus:

  • members must apply the appropriate coupon code at checkout – the discount cannot be applied retroactively.
  • *offer excludes memberships, our Stingray soundtrack boxset (on another great offer for May), events and Silva Screen products
  • we reserve the right to amend or withdraw this offer at any time.

Where is FAB 100?

Please accept our apologies, but FAB 100 is extremely late!

We knew earlier in the year that FAB 100 was going to be a little late, which is why we changed plans and mailed the 40 FAB Years album and the final set of picture cards a few weeks ago (they were planned to be mailed with the magazine).

FAB 100 is finished and now with ITV for approval. Once we get that we can send it for printing, and then we get it mailed just as quickly as we can. As soon as we know it’s in the post, we’ll publish it as a news story here on the club website and share it on our social media. Hopefully, that’ll just be a few weeks.

Rest assured that we haven’t forgotten the hundreds of members who are still owed the Music From The 21st Century By Barry Gray CD (this year’s membership gift). We’ve been mailing them to members for the last two issues of FAB, and the final batch will be mailed with FAB 100.

If you renewed your membership too late to be included in the FAB 99 mailing, any stock of that we have left as FAB 100 is published will become available to buy as a back issue. We can’t make it available until then as we need them to send to new club members.

Sorry again, and thanks for your understanding.

2022 Annual General Meeting: Voting now open!

Fanderson’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a chance for the committee to report on the club’s status and respond to members’ questions, thoughts and suggestions.

All club members are welcome to join the AGM and, to give as many members as possible the opportunity to be involved, Fanderson’s next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held virtually, at midday (GMT) on Saturday 5th March 2022.

The deadline for questions or registering to attend the AGM is Saturday 26th February 2022. For security purposes, if you’d like to attend please email, including:

  • your full name
  • your Fanderson membership number
  • your post code

We will send you a link to the AGM by reply to your email, after 26th February. Members will have the option to not appear on camera. The meeting will be minuted, as usual, but not recorded.

Voting on the following proposal is now open online until 26th February 2022, in order for results to be verified and available at the AGM:

  1. Various amendments to the club’s Constitution, mainly for clarity purposes.
    1. Click here for the proposed version with changes shown.
    2. Fanderson members can vote here.

Celebrating 40 FAB Years (albeit a year late!)

It seems quite remarkable now, but Fanderson has been a part of all our lives for 40 years.

It’s grown from quite humble beginnings, when producer/writer/director Gerry Anderson recognised the need to bring together various disparate groups into a cohesive club for all fans of his work.

Nowadays, when many other media-related clubs have closed down, gone online, or been taken over by the production companies involved, we’re a rare breed. A club created and run by fans, for fans.

Now, 41 years later, we’re celebrating this milestone (we’d planned to do it in 2021, but Covid-19 and travel restrictions put paid to that!).

40 FAB Years is not a convention, but a relaxed party. The perfect occasion to catch up with friends you’ve made through Fanderson over the years, and some special guests will be celebrating with us. We’ll have a barbecue and, like all good birthday parties, there’ll be music, drink and (of course) a cake!

We’ve got space for just 100 Fanderson members to join us at the Pinewood Hotel, a little way down the road from the world famous studios in Buckinghamshire. We’ll be there from 14:00 on Saturday 20th August 2022.

See more and book your place here.

Century 21 and Action 21 – limited stock of 80s/90s magazines available

The family of Fanderson founding member David Nightingale are in the process of sorting through his estate, and we’ve offered to try to help sell some of his old stock of Engale products.

We’ve now got a limited stock of Century 21 (the successor to the fondly-remembered SIG) and Action 21 magazines. Just click on the Engale Marketing category in our Shop to see what’s available, and we’ll update this as more products become available to us.

Review your purchases to help other fans!

With, perhaps, a little spare time over the holidays, why not review the products you’ve bought from Fanderson and help your fellow fans?

Unlike some online stores, product reviews in the Fanderson Shop are from genuine club members, so you know you can trust what they say. Unbelievably, some stores use robots or even ‘review farms’ where hundreds of low-paid workers sit, relentlessly hitting the ‘review’ button, and writing what they’re told to say about a product.

But our website only allows genuine members to review our products, as we can only sell to club members. So you know what you’re reading is by a genuine fellow fan.

Why not log in now to write your first review.

2022 Annual General Meeting

Fanderson’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) is a chance for the committee to report on the club’s status and respond to members’ questions, thoughts and suggestions.

All club members are welcome to join the AGM and, to give as many members as possible the opportunity to be involved, Fanderson’s next Annual General Meeting will be held virtually, at midday (GMT) on Saturday 5th March 2022.

The deadline for any proposals is Monday 31st January 2022, by email to Please check our Constitution for the criteria by which proposals should be submitted for member voting. Please ensure you include:

  • your full name
  • your Fanderson membership number
  • your post code/zipcode

Voting on any matters raised that require a membership vote will be open online 12th-26th February 2022, in order for results to be verified and available at the AGM.

The deadline for questions or registering to attend the AGM is Saturday 26th February 2022. For security purposes, if you’d like to attend please email, including:

  • your full name
  • your Fanderson membership number
  • your post code/zipcode

We will send you a link to the AGM by reply to your email, after 26th February. For data protection purposes, the meeting will not be recorded but minuted, and members will have the option to not appear on camera.

Please note that, in order to involve as many members as possible, deadlines are different to those stated in the current Constitution. This in itself will be formally addressed in the revised Constitution that members will be invited to vote on in preparation for this AGM.


UPDATED: David Nightingale RIP

It is with great sadness that we report that David Nightingale, one of Fanderson’s founding members and biggest personalities, has died.

David created Supermarionation Is Go! magazine in 1981 and it was to be the bedrock of the club when Gerry Anderson worked with fans to create Fanderson. The quality of SiG was exemplary for a fan magazine, and continued in SiG’s successor Century 21 and the classic television magazine Timescreen. David’s quality ethos was to spur him on to open not one but two Thunderbooks stores, and then to embrace online trading by opening Star Trader. His most recent work for the club brought him full circle as he worked with Mike Jones on the SiG 21 anniversary special.

Larger than life, with a great bubbly, friendly personality, David was a huge fan of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s work. He was a regular fixture behind a merchandise table at conventions, where he made many friends.

We will have a full obituary for David Nightingale in FAB 100.

UPDATE 7th December: You should be able to join the live stream of David’s funeral at

UPDATE: David’s son Stephen advises that the funeral will be held at 12:15 on Wednesday 15th December at  Lytham Crematorium, Regent Ave, Lytham Saint Annes FY8 4AB followed by the wake at Blackpool Cricket Club, West Park Drive, Blackpool FY3 9EQ.

The family would like to thank everyone for their kind words and would love to see as many faces as possible at the funeral but understand not everyone can make the day. With that in mind, they have arranged for the funeral to be streamed (details to follow).

The family have discussed donations (“My dad wasn’t a flower man, he was more into his Thunderbird puppets”) and ask that any donations go towards his grandson’s tour with Foxhall Under 11s football team:

  • account: Foxhall Juniors FC
  • sort code: 201003
  • account: 33535924
  • swiftbic code: BUKBGB22
  • iban: GB90 BUKB 2010 0333 5359 24