The Fanderson Forum is back!

We’re delighted to announce that the Fanderson Forum is back! You can get to it using the link above, or under to “Social” button on the menu bar.

For a decade, the Fanderson Forum was an online place where club members could share their news, views and ideas. Unfortunately, due to insurmountable technical issues, the Forum closed in 2019.

The club’s Facebook group has continued to be a great place for Anderson fans to share their thoughts and ideas. But members have repeatedly asked when the Forum is coming back, as it offered the ability to put and follow threads in discrete spaces (modelling, fan fiction for example) rather than the stream of consciousness that is Facebook.

It looks a bit different now, and you’ll need to log in to your Fanderson account to post anything (as you do to buy merchandise or renew your membership). Your old Forum log in will not work and, sadly, we haven’t been able to recover any of the old Forum conversations.

As it’s part of your online membership account, you can be sure that you’re talking with other club members on the Forum. Although this also means that when your membership expires you’ll lose access to the Forum.

It’s a new, blank canvas. Come in and join the conversation.



Virtual Annual General Meeting 2021

Fanderson’s Annual General Meeting is a chance for the committee to report on the club’s status and respond to members’ questions, thoughts and suggestions.

Fanderson’s next Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held on Saturday 27th March 2021. Once again, due to the ongoing pandemic and to give as many members as possible the opportunity to be involved, the 2021 AGM will be held virtually.

The deadline for any questions or proposals is Sunday 31st January 2021. Please check our Constitution for the criteria by which proposals should be submitted for member voting.

This year the club committee will be responding to as many members’ questions as possible in a special Fanderson podcast, and members are encouraged to record their questions for that:

  • Send your name, postcode/zipcode, club membership number and email address to no later than Sunday 31st January 2021.
  • Podcast host Ros Connors will contact you after 31st January to arrange a convenient time to record your question(s)
  • Your question(s) will be answered by a committee member as part of the special AGM podcast

If you don’t want to record your question for the podcast, you can still write in to no later than Sunday 31st January 2021, and a committee member will respond as part of the special AGM podcast. Just remember to include your name, postcode/zipcode, club membership number and email address with your question.

Voting on any matters raised that require a vote by the membership will be open early in March, to enable results to be presented as part of the AGM.

Details of the AGM itself will be confirmed nearer the date.

Enter Fanderson’s FAB 40th Quiz

As members will see with FAB 96, we’re running a competition to be in with a chance of winning a special prize.

  • This competition closed on 31st January 2021.
  • The competition is open to members of Fanderson only.
  • Entries for which the membership name, number and postcode do not match our membership database will be discarded.
  • In the case of any member submitting multiple entries, the last entry only will be included in the draw and the others discarded.
  • Entries with the highest number of correct answers after the closing date will go into a draw to win a ticket to Fanderson’s 40th Anniversary event in 2021.
  • Marks may be given if a member suggests a ‘correct’ answer to a question, albeit not the one the judges are looking for.
  • The judges’ decision is final.
  • The winner’s name and answers will be published in FAB 97.

Happy 39th Birthday, Fanderson!

39 years ago today, representatives from clubs Anderpup and the Century 21 Appreciation Society, the Fanderson 81 convention and ATV Licensing met with legendary TV and film producer Gerry Anderson at Pinewood Studios.

Together, they pooled their ideas and talents to form the world’s only official appreciation society for the work of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson.

On behalf of all Fanderson members, a big THANK YOU to Gerry Anderson, Pam Barnes, Mark Jones, Barbara Kitson, Chris Leach, David Nightingale, Phil Rae, Keith Shackleton, Brendan Sheehan and John Williams for giving our club such a great start.

39 years on and the club’s going stronger than ever, so thanks to all Fanderson members – especially the committee members over the years and those who have made a significant contribution (recognised as a Friend Of Fanderson or Life Member).

Join us in celebrating today with something bubbly, and you can read more about Fanderson’s beginnings here.


Celebrate 50 years of UFO!

What better way to celebrate 50 years of Gerry and Sylvia Anderson’s groundbreaking series UFO than with a great read – the long-awaited UFO Annual 1972!

Like most Anderson series there was a UFO Annual produced to accompany the broadcasts, but just the one volume for 1971. Exclusive to Fanderson is this follow-up book, full of features about the series and SHADO, two brand new stories starring your favourite UFO characters and three new exclusive cutaways.

Whilst reading the Annual, why not relax with Barry Gray’s cool soundtrack, courtesy of our 4-CD boxset. And we’ve got lots of other UFO items in the Shop too!

We’re expecting stock of the UFO Annual 1972 in time for the series’ 50th anniversary on 16th September 2020, and you can sure to be among the first to get your copy by pre-ordering from 1st September.

Podcast 1 is here!

New for 2020 is the Fanderson Podcast!

Hosted by journalist and broadcaster (and long-time Fanderson member) Ros Connors, our podcasts will share information, views and stories with fans – just like you.

Podcast 1 – Ian Fryer discusses Doppelgänger, archive interview clips with Space:1999‘s Barry Morse, and a club update from Nick Williams.

Let us know what you liked, what you’d like to hear in future editions, and anything else at